Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Domestic Art of Music

I am very passionate about music. To me music is a chance for people to "get away." Whether it's playing it yourself or just listening to one of your favorite songs, music can help make a person let out their freedom of expression. An article that I picked to quote from says, "It inspires people and allows us to get in touch with our emotions in a way that is unique" (Nair). Each person has that one certain song that describes them. I think that music is important for the society today that without it there would be a lot more things happening in this world such as drama, fighting, etc.

Domestic Arts of Instruments

I think an interesting domestic art mentioned was using instruments and creating music. Although it doesn't really make you healthier like making your own food or farming, it is still useful to yourself and the community. It can be a productive way of entertaining yourself rather than sitting around watching TV. It can also open career opportunities and be beneficial to the community if you play for other people, which could bring people closer to one another. I took bass guitar lessons myself and self taught myself some songs on electric guitar and I always find it fun to play these instruments and learn more songs. It can be very entertaining to me because I get bored of TV and other things while at home. Also playing an instrument has led me to become friends and interact with more people, so it brings a community along side a way to entertain yourself.

Domestic Art of Repurposing

One domestic art I am passionate about trying is restoring and repurposing furniture. It's such an inexpensive way to make something beautiful again. In the future I want to be able to dedicate time to this art.

Domestic Art of Gardening

I have always enjoyed eating and cooking fresh vegetables so I thought that it would be fun to make a garden of my own. So this summer I plan to make a small fenced vegetable garden in my backyard. In the garden I am planning on planting tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, and peppers. Below is a picture of a small fenced garden similar to what I plan on making in my backyard.

Cooking for yourself.

In the world today, people tend not to care about what they eat; take out is easier than actually going to the supermarket and getting your own food then making it. And we have all seen from Food Inc. how horrible our meats are today. So the domestic art that i trully admire is cooking for yourself or another. I envy family dinners at dinner tables where someone "slaved over a hot stove" whenever i sit at a resteraunt. There is nothing like a good home cooked meal, and its an art that i believe is dying.

Domestic Art of Making Things Yourself

I have been making things my whole life. when I was a kid in middle school I would find things on the floor, paper clips or broken pens, and then use them to make things during study hall or during a boring class. The most complicated thing I built was a working crossbow about 6 in. long out of a paperclip, a staple, a Popsicle stick, and a rubber band. It was designed to shoot pen caps but was powerful enough to stick a sharp pencil in the ceiling. My point is that I made the things that I wanted when I was a kid. Instead of going out and buying something I made it my self. Now a days I don't do that as much as I used to, and it makes me sad that I have not made time to make things. I believe that it is an important skill to be able to make things with your hands than to go out and buy it is a store. makezine.com is a place that I found that is all about making things with your own two hands, and some tools too. Some of the stories that the site has, yes it is also a magazine, tells about people building things that are of better quality than things that you can get at a store. My main point is that if you can make it yourself than why buy it from a store.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Food Inc responce

you may have to zoom in to see this because I typed it in word and saved it to paint and uploaded it as a picture because I couldnt attach the word file.

Food Inc. Response

As a person who is interested in health and nutrition i found this documentary fascinating. I believe that it makes a strong case for the necessity of a more localized economy. When a person buys food locally they are able to get a product that does not require all of the chemical preservatives which can be found in most if not all of the large national and global brands. This also obviously improves the local economy in multiple ways, along with eliminating transportation costs and the effects of transportation on the eco system and gas prices, among other things. One thing that bothered me however was that the movie claims that it is expensive to eat healthy. What they should have said is that it is not as pleasurable to eat healthy for cheap. Personally I buy loaves of whole wheat bread from Kroger where they are always on sale for between $2.50 and $3.00 along with natural peanut butter which you can get for around $3.50. I just leave it all in my car and eat at least three peanut butter sandwiches a day. When I want some animal protein I eat a $.60 can of tuna. Do i really like peanut butter sandwiches and tuna? Honestly not at all, but these are two very cheap ways to eat healthy, and provide 90% of my necessary daily nutrition. Also to get the FDA recommended daily number of servings of fruits and veggies (10-12 now i believe) people can now turn to supplementation. On the side i market for a brand called Nutrilite. They produce vitamins and supplements made from organic ingredients produced on their own organic farms (and in America). I pay under 15 bucks for a 90 day supply of multivitamins that contain things like dried acerola cherries, spinach and carrots. You can go to http://www.amway.com/Shop/Product/Product.aspx/NUTRILITE-Daily-Multivitamin-Multimineral-90-Count?itemno=104174 If people want to eat more healthy to see the ingredients list. In short it is very easy to eat healthy for cheap but most Americans are simply too lazy to consistently follow through with the effort of planning ahead along with making sacrifices out of their daily diet for a more boring, yet healthy one. For a list of cheap health foods, go to http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/cheap-healthy-15-nutritious-foods-about-2-dollars

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Food Inc.

Food Inc. is an informational video about how our food is produced. Many people do not understand the contents of their food or where their food came from. Some people do not even think to look at the labels to see what is in their food. Food Inc. opened up eyes and made me realize that we, the consumers, do not realize what we are eating and that is part of our fault. Yes, we have the FDA and other food administrations to help us but we ourselves make take responsibility in our food choices. It is kind of upsetting to see where our food came from but at the same time, we have to eat to survive. Unless one wants to go out and plant their own garden and raise their own food, they should be more aware of their food and pay closer attention to labels. In the video, the companies believe in the motto "faster, cheaper, fatter" which is try. We try to produce things at a faster and cheaper cost but again it is the responsibility of citizens to be aware about what they are consuming. My mother always told me if I don't know what is in it then read the label and find out what I am putting into my body.
At this website, the writer is criticizing Food Inc. The writer believes that although Food Inc. is a good movie to warn people about their food they are eating, they believe that the movie isn't finished. Which there are certain parts in which the movie should be expanded and explain more about the consequences of our food industry.

Food Inc. A real eye opener

This film was a real eye opener to me. I knew that our food was made of several different animals, but in the film it mentions that our ground beef is made up of thousands of cows, cows that were fed the wrong food and have ebola in their stomach. These cows are grown for the specific purpose of getting fat and the "growers" dont care about the actual cow. It also opened my eye to local economies, such as the farmers market. It shows that one farmer that does everything right. lets the animals grow naturally and eat grass, etc. which makes me only want to eat food from the farmers markets. I read in a review that really stuck to me is that "Our food is killing us and Director Robert Kenner is trying hard to get us to rise up and scream that we're not going to take it anymore, with mixed results"

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Food Inc.

Food Inc. exposes the grim issues that face the food industry in America. Big business has taken over food production in the nation. The control is isolated to three or four large companies that have manipulated their employees and corrupted the regulation processes to cut cost. The focus of these big businesses has been to make more money. This focus has shifted so greatly from creating the best product and helping your neighbor principles of the past.

Our food has become so processed. One hamburger patty can be made up of thousands of cows. If one cow is infected with a food born illness, thousands of hamburger patties can become infected just that quickly. Thousands of people can become severely sick, and die in many cases. Joe Salatin said, “I think it’s one of the most important battles for consumers to fight: the right to know what’s in their food, and how it was grown.” These big businesses will do everything in their power to keep their production methods out of public knowledge.


Food Inc.

The local economy is a great idea not saying that its going to be easy to get everything local but you sure can try and cut back on different things and try to buy local. What is most important about local economy is that you know where your food is coming from and you know that it was harvest or raised in a normal way. What I found interesting during the movie and also a problem was how fast the animals are being produced and not at a normal rate. Having chickens gain so much weight in a short period. The farmer told us that the chickens weights are to much on their bones that they take a couple of steps and have to set down because their bones are not strong enough. here is a website to help you find local harvest anywhere in the US http://www.localharvest.org/

A domestic art that i think is important is to plant a garden it doesn't have to be a huge one it can just have a few plants here and there of what you like to eat. Fruits and vegetables are expensive in grocery stores that's way people don't buy them but if you have a garden you can have fresh fruits and vegetables everyday for less money. Also if you have a garden it takes away that worrying of where did the food come from and is it fresh.

This is a picture of a garden kit put together which would be great if you lived in town or don't have a place to dig your garden.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Food, Inc.

Food, Inc brought up several interesting things about the food producing business. One of the most disturbing things brought up was the treatment of the animals. The way the chickens were treated to make them plump to the point that they could hardly walk and were trapped in lightless areas was horrible, as was the treatment of the cattle being covered in manure which spread E. Coli. The part about the woman's kid dying from E. coli was pretty terrible too, and shows that we need to monitor our food better and give better care to the animals. I also found the concept of the patent on life really unfair. It's wrong that the farmers can get fined so much for accidentally getting a few GM seeds in their crops and reusing the seeds.


Food Inc.

This film really opened my eyes to the way are food is produced in this country.  It breaks to light that faster sometimes is not necessarily better.  I like how the film showed the difference in the large corporation farms and the local farm.  In a way the film highlighted a lot of what Wendall Berry wrote about in his book.  What really struck me was in the film the local farm Joel Salatin was talking about Corporate farms, he said about the food we grow that "When we are reaching for the profits, we lose the integrity of the food we grow."   I looked up a review for the film on the website mrqe.com.  The review that I am posting the link to is from Roger Ebert of The Chicago Sun-Times.  I guess what struck me about his review is that what he said in the last paragraph.  Here is the link to the full review.


Food Inc.

I found this movie to be very good. I always new the food producing was a messy business but I just never wanted to watch it because I knew it would probably make me mad. One of the points I found so interesting was about the chicken. In the movie they talked about how the chicken has been changed. " They get bigger faster and because there bodies are not meant to hold that much wait they cant stand long or just lay down." I found this to be very sad but not surprising. The whole E coli thing is just as sad. I mean in the movie a farmer said they look to ask the question "How?" instead of "Why?". He is exactly right by this and in all honesty this is going to catch up with factories becasue now instead of the E coli in the meat it is getting spread to the vegetables. This is just going to keep getting worse. I understand people need food but I cant help to think about all the excess food we eat or throw away. I mean do we really need all this food all the factories are making? I really want to know the answer to that. Farmers are getting hurt but not only that we the people are getting hurt. I really think this movie would make anyone else think twice.
The domestic art that really speaks to me when it comes to food is actually cooking a good home cooked meal and having the whole family around the table. Some of my best family memerories come from sitting around the table with my family. I remember one morning up at Kellys Island, my whole family on my dads side of the family was up there. I woke up smelling pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sasuage. I walked out of the bedroom with a bunch of my cousins and you just saw all the moms making breakfast. We then sat down to pray and then dug in! It was one of the best breakfast ever, not just because of the food but because all of my family was there and all the stories being told was just so much fun. It is one of my favorite memories.
I just think this is one of the lost things, when it comes to families right now. I mean my family eats together sometimes but it is mostly in the living room not really around the table. I find that time at the table to be very important and is what brings families together. It just seems now a days the dining room table is more for looks then actually to serve a family dinner at. I just think it is very imporatant to have that time for your family especially now when it seems everyone has so much to do in a day. I think it is nice for families to come together and share at least one hour of there day together.

Food Inc.

The film Food Inc. was an extremely powerful film in my mind and a very enlightening one at that. Although it did put some emphasis on the idea of a local economy, as in the interview with the farmer with the free roaming animals, what really stuck out in my mind was the absolutely atrocious unethical, inhumane, and destructive practices that these corporations take to with disregard for everyone and everything in the name of profits. A very strong quote that stood out immediately from the film was the chicken coup farmer for Tyson who said "if you can grow chickens in 49 days why grow ones in three months?...more money, that's why." This quote surely sums up a very strong theme in the documentary that many of these food corporations care only for profits and what things can raise profits.

I thought that this was a good link showing the connections and strong ties that these huge companies have in our government. The film stated that they had high profile connections to our departments of agriculture, but looking more in depth into the topic it becomes more and more scary how much say that these companies have over their own destiny and that no one can really touch them. Truly a wider movement needs to take place to remove these private industries from any point of political power to reestablish justice for all and especially them.

A domestic art that I myself was close to was raising animals. Although I myself did not take a liking to it, there was an undeniable connection the the animals that one raises. My family for a few years had invested into creating an alpaca farm. While it was not very successful as the recession took its tole on the small business, it was certainly a valuable learning experience. While it may not be a valuable domestic art, it is certainly an interesting one, and one I am glad I have experienced.

Food Inc.

The most important thing that struck out to me in this film is how the companies do not care how the animals live and are treated, because all they care about is getting the most food and money from the animals. For example, in the movie they showed how they keep all of the cows confined in a barn, feed them corn, and let them stand and sleep in their manure. By feeding them corn it makes the cows get fat faster, and by letting the cows stand and sleep in their manure it results in spreading E. Coli and makes many people sick or even die. The most interesting quote to me was when they were talking about what is really in the foods and they said, "It is like lifting a veil from certain foods."


Food Inc. The Movie


The most important thing that struck me about the movie is how the companies that produce the

food handle problems. The food producers try to remove E. coli from the meat by dousing it in

ammonia, which is found in pee, ammonia is also toxic. I think that it would have been easier to fix

the reason why the cows had E. coli than to put in a toxic chemical to get rid of the bacteria. The

link at the top is to a web site that is similar to those mentioned at MRQE.com but has the points

from the movie listed as well.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Food Inc.

I think that this movie has a great point. They support local economy by providing jobs in factories for US Citizens. What stuck out to me most was that the amount of food safety has been neglected in the US and more antibiotics are in the food. Also another important issuse is that the poor citizens are the ones at more risk since bad food is cheaper. I also found it terrible that after the year 2000, 1 in 3 people will have diabetes. The review I read was by Bob Grimm and he said "I’m quite sure that if everybody could see this movie, farmers’ market attendance would triple overnight, hundreds of thousands would go vegetarian, and McDonald’s would be screwed." I thought this was a great statement and I really do wish everyone could watch it. At the website http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/ there is a lot of great information that links to Food Inc. The website says "Meat and dairy production in the United States has changed dramatically over the past 30 years. Small family farms have been replaced by huge livestock facilities, where animals suffer horribly, workers are mistreated, the environment is being destroyed, and where rural communities are falling apart. Family farmers are being forced out of business at an alarming rate, and hundreds of small farmers sell their land every week. The dramatic expansion of industrial agriculture has made it increasingly difficult for small family farmers in the US, but many small family farms have found hope within the sustainable food movement. Animals on industrial farms are fed the cheapest grains and waste products in order to fatten them quickly. This leads to widespread health problems, so low doses of antibiotics are also added to the feed. The result is unhealthy animals and unhealthy food for consumers." These are all great points that need to be fixed in the US.

Food Inc

Food Inc tells about the reality that very few companies are in charge of all the different food items we find in the grocery stores. These companies have so much control and power that they basically do what they want. They have the money to spend to avoid their various plants from being shut down. Its sad that alot of the plants that continuously have contaminated meat or violations are not able to be shut down by the USDA. I'm glad Kevin's Law is working to try to change that. "We have became a culture of technicians." We are working to produce things year around and also trying to come up w/foods that won't spoil in the fridge. Instead of coming up with ways to avoid the spread of bacteria and diseases, we are trying to create new ways of producing food. I feel that the film did a good job pointing our that Americans are more likely to eat unhealthy foods because they are cheaper. I feel the movie doesn't point out how people would be able to afford to eat the healthy food or pay more to ensure their meat is healthy.

Food Inc.

Overall, I really liked this movie and it really made me rethink what I have actually been eating. I find it kind of sickening to know what goes into my food. I remember watching this film in English 110 and I did not eat McDonalds for almost a year because it just disgusted me. However the choice of not eating McDonalds also came from when we read a story in a book, "The Essay Connection". The story was called The Meal and it talked about how much corn was put into the average McDonald's meal. What struck me the most was how much these meat packing factories don’t care. All they have in mind is money and don’t pay any attention to what goes in their meat or the food safety. One man said that “as a farmer you think about faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper”. He did not mention anything about food safety. They don’t like to take the time to properly raise the animal to completion, unlike a local farmer. Local farmers let their animals graze amongst grass. Factories that mass produce meat feed their animals corn because corn is cheap and it will make the animal fat quickly! I also thought it was sad the part where they talked about the chicken houses and the large companies that basically owned the farmer. Many of these farmers were in deep into debt because they spend so much on the houses and they constantly need upgrades so they have to pay for those upgrades because if not they have the chance of losing the contract with the company. The other part that was really sad was the part where the two year old boy, Kevin, at a hamburger and 12 days later died from the rare form of ecoli. The factories get infested with ecoli because it comes from the corn that is fed to the cows. The cows eat the corn and they get ecoli and then they stand in their manure that has ecoli in it so if one cow has it they all have it. The ecoli in the leafy greens came about because the pastures are so close to the fields so when it rains, the manure runs off into the fields and it gets on the leafy greens.

The domestic art that I think is the most important is the homecooked meal vs. the fast food meal. I think having a homecooked meal is very important because when you cook it yourself atleast you know whats going into your food. I understand that the lifestyles that people lead today are sometimes way to busy to make home cooked meals where the family can eat together. Everyone has different schedules and are on the go constantly, so they resort to fast food. Fast food is more convenient and cheaper than buying stuff to make your own meal. I know it's hard for my family to all have time to sit down and eat dinner as a family because we all have busy schedules and I am not home a lot because of school and work, so I do stop and get fast food but I also love the homecooked meals!


Food Inc.

Watching Food Inc. brought up many important issues that go on in our Food Industry. The thing that struck me the most was about Barbara Kowalcyk’s son Kevin, who died only 12 days after eating a hamburger and contracting a rare form of ecoli. This is a huge problem and a problem that seems to have no means to an end. There are cases everyday of people contracting diseases and serious illnesses from the food they eat everyday, and normally nothing seems to be done about it. The hamburger meat that killed Barbare Kowalcyk's son was recalled not the day that he was infected with ecoli, but around 16 days after the fact and by that time Kevin had already died. One of the opening lines in the movie, was "food is becoming more and more dangerous". The fact that this is true is astonishing. People need to know that there is food is safe and that it will provide them with nourishment, not diseases. I know that people would much rather there food be grown correctly, cooked correctly, or packaged correctly rather than having it done wrong just so it will be cheap and fast. The food industry is controlled by only a handful or large companies, and they are more concerned about making a profit, and speeding up production than what happens to the people that eat the food. This was obvious in the case of Barbara. She has been fighting since the day her son died to make the food industry responsible for what they did and to help prevent it from happening again to someone else, but as she said, "she feels as if the food industry was more protected than my son". This very fact is horribly wrong and I hope someday that people will realize the great harms they are causing the people in this country.
Relating this to my own life was quite interesting to see just how my family handles the issues of the food industry. As far as I can remember my family has been growing a massive garden in one of the large open areas of lawn on the side of my house. We grow corn, green beans, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, zuchinni, etc. It is a lot of work but quite honestly very rewarding. Not only do we have fresh food that is delicious and affordable, but also we sell it to a lot of people locally instead of them buying it at the supermarkets, to us it is a lot safer and more economical. Not only that but we don't but meat at the store either we get it from a local butcher shop, and from a local farmer that raises cattle. We purchase a cow off of him, have it butchered and then fill our deep freeze in our garage with local and fresh meat that will last us quite some time rather than but it from the store with no idea where it came from. These little things can help everybody in our society. With such problems and health risks in our food industry, make changes. Make changes such as these small yet helpful ones and it helps take down some risk of health issues, of animals and workers being abused, and of large corporations taking over the entire food industry before our eyes.

I found a link that related to food saftey and provides an even more indepth look at all the different times of contamination that have been caused by food and all the reasons why this has been happening, such as the revolution of "factory" farming.

Food Inc.

I thought that Food Inc. was very interesting. What really stuck me that I thought was very important was Barbara Kowalcyk’s story about her son dying after 12 days of eating a hamburger. She said “I feel like the food industry was more protected than my son.” I agree with her because the food industry should be safe for us and the people should be protected from contaminated food but that wasn’t the case. My step dad works at Hord’s located right outside of Bucyrus. They have multiple barns like the ones in the film. It made me sick watching the film to see how they treat the animals. Last November, my step dad got a rare staph infection and almost lost his legs from being in those barns. They aren’t very sanitary and that’s how many people get sick and some die from these barns and slaughterhouse not being clean at all. I was talking to my step dad about the film and he told me about a slaughterhouse in Texas that had an underground pipeline that drained pig blood into a creek behind the slaughterhouse. They were contaminating the rivers in Texas. On the website I linked, there is a video that talks more about it.


Food Inc.

I really enjoyed watching this movie. I have a farm background and was aware of many of the things in this movie, however I believe that everyone should have to watch a movie like this to understand where their food comes from. There are so many people that don't understand the history behind the hamburger they are eating or where it really came from or for that matter what is actually IN the burger.
My most favorite quote was actually the very first thing said in the movie "The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the last 10,000 years." This quote gives us so much to think about and it can mean many different things from; fast food vs. homemade, processed vs. organic, farming vs. factory. There so many different ideas in this one small quote. I find it very interesting that Tyson and Monsanto would not be interviewed for this film, it is so obvious that they know what they are doing is wrong. I personally think it looks worse on them to not be interviewed than it would if they would just come out and answer a couple questions.
One of the biggest shockers to me was the Monsanto situation. I knew that Monsanto was one of the biggest seed retailers but I didn't realize how much trouble a farmer could in if they didn't use Monsanto seeds exactly to their liking. My grandpa and many of the other Farmer's in my area use to reuse their own seeds. That was just the way it worked, if you got a good yield with a seed you wanted to use it again next year. In fact my grandpa still has a seed dryer to this day. Since the Monsanto topic interested me so much I researched a little bit of the history behind the Roundup ready soy bean. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Monsanto_and_the_Roundup_Ready_Controversy this is a great article about the company and the chemicals they use. Again I do believe that everyone should watch this movie because as my grandpa would say, city kids don't know where their food comes from.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Food Inc

I thought that the film Food Inc. was very disturbing. Many things that were said in the film really stuck out too me, one of the things that was said was about the supermarkets no longer having seasons, they sale tomatoes all year around, the tomatoes are now picked when they are green and then sprayed with a gas, so its not a real tomato. I thought that this film was horrible, I understand that in order for us to eat food, and fast food that we have to have someone make it, but I feel that it would be so much better if the farmers made it, instead of the factories. I think that there would be less e- coli in the food if the farmers produced it. I thought it was horrible how the chickens are treated in a chicken house. I am glad that Carole Moreson allowed the camera men to go into the chicken house, even though she lost her contract. I don't think that was right for them to do, she was just trying to show us the "real truth" about the chickens. I didn't like how the Latino men came in and took all of the chickens at night, it didn't matter if they were sick or healthy they were all slaughter. They say "Were not producing chickens, were producing food." I never knew that different products were made out of corn, some of the ones that really shocked me was Ketchup, peanut butter, fast food, dippers, twinkies, and batteries. I thought it was so sad how that mother lost her child, but I am glad that she started the "Kevin Law" all she wanted was an apology and the company to do something about the e-coli problem. Overall this film made me sick to my stomach, I don't like the way that the animals were killed, especially the baby chicks that was horrible. The problems I see with this is our economy is too lazy to produce fresh food, they want to make the people work on assembly lines, instead of having the farmers produce nice healthy food.


Facts from Food, Inc.
 In the 1970s, the top five beef
packers controlled about 25% of the
market. Today, the top four control
more than 80% of the market.
 In the 1970s, there were thousands
of slaughterhouses producing the
majority of beef sold. Today, we
have only 13.
 In 1998, the USDA implemented
microbial testing for salmonella and
E. coli 0157h7 so that if a plant
repeatedly failed these tests, the
USDA could shut down the plant.
After being taken to court by the
meat and poultry associations, the
USDA no longer has that power.
 In 1972, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. In 2006, the
FDA conducted only 9,164.
 During the Bush administration, the head of the FDA was the former
executive VP of the National Food Processors Association.
 During the Bush administration, the chief of staff at the USDA was the
former chief lobbyist for the beef industry in Washington.
 Prior to renaming itself an agribusiness company, Monsanto was a chemical
company that produced, among other things, DDT and Agent Orange.
 In 1996 when it introduced Round-Up Ready Soybeans, Monsanto controlled
only 2% of the U.S. soybean market. Now, over 90% of soybeans in the
U.S. contain Monsanto’s patented gene.
 Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas was an attorney at Monsanto from
1976 to 1979. After his appointment to the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas
wrote the majority opinion in a case that helped Monsanto enforce its seed
 The average chicken farmer invests over $500,000 and makes only $18,000
a year.
 32,000 hogs a day are killed in Smithfield Hog Processing Plant in Tar Heel,
N.C, which is the largest slaughterhouse in the world.
 The average American eats over 200 lbs. of meat a year
 30% of the land in the U.S. is used for planting corn.
 The modern supermarket now has, on average, 47,000 products, the
majority of which is being produced by only a handful of food companies.
 70% of processed foods have some genetically modified ingredient.
 SB63 Consumer Right to Know measure requiring all food derived from
cloned animals to be labeled as such passed the California state legislature
before being vetoed in 2007 by Governor Schwarzenegger, who said that he
couldn’t sign a bill that pre-empted federal law.
 Corn products include: ketchup, cheese, Twinkies, batteries, peanut-butter,
Cheez-Its, salad dressings, Coke, jelly, Sweet & Low, syrup, juice, Kool-Aid,
charcoal, diapers, Motrin, meat and fast food.
 Corn, which is the main ingredient in animal feed, is also used as a food
additive. Those products commonly include: Cellulose, Xylitol,
Maltodextrin, Ethylene, Gluten, Fibersol-2, Citrus Cloud Emulsion, Inosital,
Fructose, Calcium Stearate, Saccharin, Sucrose, Sorbital, High Fructose Corn
Syrup, Citric Acid, Di-glycerides, Semolina, Sorbic Acid, Alpha Tocopherol,
Ethyl Lactate, Polydextrose, Xantham Gum, White Vinegar, Ethel Acetate,
Fumaric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Baking Powder, Zein, Vanilla Extract, Margarine,
and Starch.
 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes; Among
minorities, the rate will be 1 in 2.
 E. coli and Salmonella outbreaks have become more frequent in America,
whether it be from spinach or jalapenos. In 2007, there were 73,000 people
sickened from the E. coli virus.
 Organics is the fastest growing food segment, increasing 20% annually.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel was truly an inspirational and interesting woman for a variety of reasons. Chanel was a role model, an entrepreuner, and a revolutionary that did things to change the fashion world forever. One of the most inspirational things about Chanel was that she had a true rags to riches story. She started with nothing and then grew to be one of the most revered fashion designers of all time. She was also inspirational because she wasn't afraid to do something different. Chanel changed the garments of the time, into looser fittting clothes that freed women from confines and also created the ever important "little black dress". Chanel dared to be different and wasn't afraid of failure. Chanel could help us in our own lifes by the fact that despite where we come from or who we are we can do anything we set our mind to, and to never give up on your dreams even if they are different and out of the box. She often stated, "success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable" (Cosper). If you don't think about the possibility of failure there will be nothing to hold you back from your success. Sometimes the people that are out of the box become the most successful people, they have no fear.
The link that I found most helpful provided me with a lot of information not only on Chanels life and background, but it also gave me a lot of insight into her business approach to her success. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/197624

Monday, January 23, 2012

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs as we all may agree is a technological innovator.  In doing this assignment I realized that not only was he an innovator, but courageous in his own way.  He was courageous in the fact that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and yet he continued to work at in his own word "Doing what he loves".  Even though at the time of his diagnosis it was determined a treatable form of cancer ultimately it would claim his life.  As I wrote in my essay, "Steve jobs most iconic inventions came with the knowledge of his own mortality".    He had the courage to continue to create and innovate until his health deteriorated to the point that he step down from his company.

The most helpful source that i found in my research was Steve's 2005 Commencement address at Stanford University.  For me this provided the most useful insight into Steve, because it was his own words.


For me this Image represents Steve Jobs.  Even though he had quite the success with Pixar he will be forever linked to Apple.  Because, you cant have Apple without Steve Jobs.


Follow this link to the radio transcript we will listen to

I want you to see the original rhetoric for some of the profiles in this book, and the difference between what you read and what we see here.

John Lennon


To me the most inspirational and most interesting thing about John Lennon is that he never gave up on hope for peace until the day he died. He stood up against the government to try to promote peace for the country. "He aspired to have his music interpretated in such a way that people would join together to build a stronger, more peaceful society, by way of social activities  including anti-war protest and peace movements." His ideas could motivate and teach us how to become a more peaceful society. You are supposed to love your neighbors, not fight with them or hate them.

Crazy Horse

The person I did my paper on was Crazy Horse who was a Lakota Native American. The thing I thought was so inspirational about Crazy Horse was his generosity. I thought this was so important because this sets up how he became such a great leader and why so many other Native Americans followed him. The passage that really showed this in my paper was when Crazy Horse tribe got snowed in one harsh winter, his father had brought back some food from his hunt. Instead of just taking the food Crazy Horse went around telling the elders that there was food for them. So the elders came and they left chanting Crazy Horse. Why this passage is so important is because the people of the tribe respected him and this would help him lead his people in the war to keep there land.
This is the source I found most helpful because it was a view from the Native American side of the story and told of Crazy Horse when he was younger.

Thomas Edison


The most interesting thing about Thomas Edison was how determined he was with all of his inventions specifically when he invented the first electric light bulb, because he would never give up on any of his inventions no matter what. One quote that really stood out to me is, "He did not just invent new and useful things but changed the way men and women lived." I liked this quote the best because it shows that Edison made an impact on all men and woman by never giving up and looking at even his failures as a success.

Markus "Notch" Persson

This is the link that provided me the most insight as to Notch's personality and life as it is his personal blog for all things him. Especially his post where he states views on larger issues or his inspirations.

In the larger scope of things, Notch is a shinning example of unrestricted creativity. As I said in my paper, the best part about him is that he is doing what he loves to do, create and play video games. His passion and ingenuity are something that all human beings should strive for and his creativity should be something that all people should express in one way or another.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright was a architectural visionary. he designed building to fit with there surrounding not stick out. he was the first to utilize low angled roofs and buildings with no basements he called these prairie style architect. he was able to be successful with out ever finishing high school or a degree from a university everything he learned was from a guy named Louis Sullivan. Sullivan planted to the seed to make Frank the amazing architect that he was. Frank too Sullivan's falsity and ran with it never looking back and changing it slowly along the way. one quote of his that stood out to me was "No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. it should be of the hill, belonging to it. hill and house should live together,each the happier for the other."


Martha Graham was a Ballet dancer who knew in her heart that dance could be so much more. For a total of 70 years or more Martha gave life to her dreams and visions. Even though the one time she tried to give herself a break and retire, it almost killed her. So she went back to it and lived another 30 years.

"For many years Ms.Graham studied and worked in the field of dance. She was finally able to work on her dream and instruct new dancers. With her new charge of fresh performers, she began to experiment and discovered new styles that would change the world of dance for all time."


John Brown


John Brown was an abolitionist who was a leader in the movement for violent protest against slavery. He is most known for his raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. Historians claim Brown's raid was the breaking point between the North and South. A year later succession and the American Civil War broke out. In his attempt to liberate Virginia, Brown was captured and later hung for murder and treason against Virginia. John Brown became a martyr for the movement of liberation. ""John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave, His soul is marching on." The soldiers sang this song as they marched into battle.

Brown volunteered the majority of his life and all of his family to this movement that he so deeply believed in. John Brown's spirit would bring new life to the abolition movement and gave those fighting for the cause the drive to see it succeed. Brown shows us if we believe in something so deeply, we must fight for it. In Browns case it meant sacrificing his life.

My Paper

I will have to admit that I did not do this paper. I personally found this paper harder to compose than any other. With poetry being my biggest hobby and so many different people who have innovated the poetry game I couldn't bring myself to just pick one person. There are innovators like Robert Frost and Edgar Allan Poe that are just so evenly matched yet in different categories. There is no real way for me to pick just one poet that i believe has influenced poetry the most.
Although I could not pick one particular person I do believe that Henry David Thoreau would be a great poet that inspired poetry with his natural poetry. He found that nature was so beautiful that he could easily write about it.
There is a site in which you can find many of his quotes.
There is a site in which you can get his biography.

John Lennon "Imagine"

This photo shows us that John Lennon lives on even after he died.


The most interesting thing about John Lennon, was that he was able to make the listener , laugh, cry, angry, or all of the above. I think that what we could learn that life is hard, but if we just, listen to one of the simplest songs Lennon ever wrote, '"Imagine all the people- living life in peace." We would be able to think of the world as a better place, and possibly have a more peaceful outlook on life. Here is a picture that shows how big of a dreamer, and how the world looked in Johns's eyes.
As you can see in this picture the world, is behind Lennon, and the stars are shinning and he has a rose in his mouth. He is showing the world at peace and the rose to me represents Love.
Imagine is one of the most touching songs that Lennon introduced to us. Here are the lyrics.
What do you think of the song???

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

By now we have all learned at least a small amount about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I mean come on we have a holiday in his honor. He was born on January 15, 1929 and was shot and killed on April 4, 1968. He was thirty nine. Though his death was upsetting for the civil rights activists, who were of all ethnic background, even whites, it was also what filled them with even more passion to keep fighting for equality. While he was alive he also gave many speeches that would continue to ignite the fire in people to listen to his rules about non-violent protests. I believe that Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech was his most influential and most remembered speech of all time. My favorite clause of his speech, which can be found at http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/martin-luther-kings-speech-dream-full-text/story?id=14358231&page=2#.Tx18S-yO6So was:

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

This clause really says something about Dr. King as a person and why people believed in his vision and Dream of gaining equality for the masses.

Howard Hughes

The most interesting thing that I found about Howard Hughes is that he had survived multiple airplane crashes during his life but continued to pilot his airplanes. In doing so he proved that nothing can stop you form reaching your dream. This is "an inspiration for people, ... that you can chase your dreams and be successful at them." (Me)

surprisingly Wikipedia had the most information on Howard Hughes in one place here is the link.

George Harrison

George Harrison was the lead guitarist and a vocalist for the Beatles. One of the most interesting and inspirational things about him was that known for his use of the sitar, a stringed Eastern instrument, during his time with the Beatles as well as lyrics based on Eastern philosophy and religion. "As a sitar player, he helped introduce the instrument to the mainstream pop music scene where many had not heard the Indian instrument, making him a notable musician for this skill." His lyrics also brought Eastern philosophy and religion to a Western audience as some of his songs were written about Chinese philosophy and teachings of Hinduism. His use of a different instrument than mainstream culture is what I think can help us learn to discover new methods of creating music and gives an introduction to a different type of music most have not heard before.

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Biography of George Harrison.

Malcolm X by way of Wendell Berry

 Wendell Berry, as you have discovered, is a pacifist.  Strangely, his ethics make me think of the struggle that Malcolm X had with this question:  How MUCH violence is justified in the fight for justice or in the battle against dark forces in the world, however we define those dark forces.

As you may know, he became extremely militant at one point, and felt the only way society would accept blacks was through violent protest and an upheaval of the system.  Later in his life, he changed his mind, and Dr. King and Malcolm X both worked to use nonviolent means.  But this was not an easy change to make, for many reasons.  Check out some of his speeches in this link if you wish to know more about this.


Let me give you two images and notice the difference in tone and force in each.  Images are powerful parts of our rhetoric.  Be wise and considerate in your use of them, please.

Sally Ride

One of the greatest things that Sally Ride is known for is being the first American woman in space. "The event also led to people seeing women as more equal to men than they ever had before". NASA had previously put a woman through the training to go into space, but her mission was canceled and she never got the opportunity to go on another. With determination and hard work she helped lead the way for other great females to enter the science and technological fields. She never let being a female get in her way of doing what her passion was, which was showing that women are just as knowledgeable in the science and technologically fields as men.


Maya Angelou: An Inspiration


Maya Angelou is an inspiring poet, actress, writer, activist, educator, and so much more. Today she is idolized for her fights against racial discrimination and abuse. She fought hard for the rights of African Americans and she stood beside Malcolm X and Martin Lurther King Jr. Maya Angelou is inspiring because despite all the racial discrimination and abuse that she dealt with as a child, she still continued to fight hard to change the way of the world. Maya Angelou wanted to change the world "we all have our own dreams and our own ways to achieve them. Some of us want to change the life of others, some of us want to make an impact on society, and others, well, they just want to make a difference in the world." Maya Angelou wanted to do all three. She wanted to change the lives of African Americans, she she wanted to change the way her society dealt with racial discrimination and she wanted to leave an imprint on the world to see. If we can learn one thing from Maya Angelou, it is that fight your heart out and rise about the impacts of society.

Louie Simmons

Louie Simmons is an innovator in the field of athletic training. In my opinion his greatest contributions to the field are his theories on rehabilitation of injuries. I have personally used his theories on shoulder rehabilitation to great benefit. One of the most effective exercises which Louie has pioneered for rehabing shoulders is the use of a semi rigid bar (typically bamboo) while bench pressing. This involves attaching weighted kettle bells to the end of the bar with elastic bands. The swinging of the kettle bells creates a "chaotic" movement. "This chaotic movement makes it an excellent prehab/rehab exercise for the shoulders (Bell, "Q&A with Westside Barbell's Louie Simmons)".

Due to the fact that Louie Simmons is considered the go to source for information on athletic training I got a lot of my information directly from his website, http://westside-barbell.com/