Friday, March 2, 2012

Doctor Herschel Rhodes MD

I choose my grandpa Doctor Herschel Rhodes MD because he is a visionary and he still wants to help people even though he is retired as a doctor. He has been retired since August of 1997, but when he was a doctor he was a great doctor even through the struggles that he had with his career:

The biggest struggle in my career was that there were some people that would not pay their bills or could not pay their bills. One time during the blizzard in 1978 I was the only doctor that was able to come into the hospital other than the one other doctor that never left the hospital from his shift. There was a teenage boy that was trudging through the snow from the blizzard to get his appendix out. Also, there was a woman that went into labor and I delivered her baby; and she said that she would not pay me because I am not her doctor so she never did pay me. The biggest accomplishment in life for me was that I delivered almost 1,500 babies. I enjoyed it and the parents were real happy to have a good doctor, because I never lost a baby or a mother. So if some people could not pay me or if they did not want to pay me it did not bother me. I still want to continue to minister to people as well as I can. I cannot expect to be a family doctor all my life, but I can help people in other ways. Especially since my health had deteriorated in the past year from falling.

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