Monday, March 5, 2012

Harding Memorial, Marion, Ohio

Please post your comments for Misti and Brittany here!


  1. I loved your guys presentation. I liked that you told us what all is at the memeorial and not just let people guess what was there. I thought the crossword was a great idea because it made people pay attention so they could fill in the answers. Overall I loved your presenation.

  2. I loved the crossword puzzle I felt it was a great way for us listeners to stay involved. I also liked how you provided with a lot of background information on Harding and his monument as well. Good Job.

  3. I really liked doing the crossword puzzle and not just having to read a handout and I also liked al the information you gave like the background and stuff!

  4. I liked the background information that you gave on the harding memeorial. Also, I loved the idea of using the crossword puzzle as a handout.

  5. I liked how your handout was a crossword puzzle and I thought you knew many facts about the Memorial. Good Job.

  6. I liked the picture you had to show of the memorial. Also the information that the memorial is about how he is a great person and not a great president.

  7. I found your crossword to be creative and a fun way to have the class follow along with your presentation. I enjoyed that you relyed more on speaking to the class, rather than the powerpoint.

  8. I have to agree with Blake. The crossword was a creative idea for a handout and a great way to see if people were really paying attention to your presentation. The information was interesting and I really like some of the pictures that were used!

  9. The history on Harding was very informative and the crossword was a great way to follow along with the presentation. Great job!

  10. I thought the presentation was very informative. I really loves the cross word. It actually turned into an activity that I did with my son.

  11. I to believe that everyone should visit this wonderful part of Marion. The monument brings many people to our town just to see it. I really liked how you explained that Harding and his wife were both laid to rest their because I don't think a lot of people realize this.

  12. I really liked the photos used. I liked the point you guys made about how a small town person can grow up to be a president and that you shoud beleive in yourself. The cross word was great.

  13. Liked the photos you had but wish you could have given a little more background information. But liked that you explained his presidency.

  14. Overall done fairly well but however would have liked more information on President Harding and his history. However I also agree that this monument is a special part of Marion despite his not so appealing presidency.

  15. I liked the pictures you had and the information about the memorial, a lot of it I didn't know about it was interesting.
