Saturday, January 28, 2012

Food Inc.

Food Inc. exposes the grim issues that face the food industry in America. Big business has taken over food production in the nation. The control is isolated to three or four large companies that have manipulated their employees and corrupted the regulation processes to cut cost. The focus of these big businesses has been to make more money. This focus has shifted so greatly from creating the best product and helping your neighbor principles of the past.

Our food has become so processed. One hamburger patty can be made up of thousands of cows. If one cow is infected with a food born illness, thousands of hamburger patties can become infected just that quickly. Thousands of people can become severely sick, and die in many cases. Joe Salatin said, “I think it’s one of the most important battles for consumers to fight: the right to know what’s in their food, and how it was grown.” These big businesses will do everything in their power to keep their production methods out of public knowledge.


  1. Brittany, I also think it is disgusting how much of our meat is produced. What i think is the worst is the synthetic meat filler used in much of our meat. I mean what the heck is meat filler? I just gagged writing that. I was also surprised how much of the meat industry is controlled by just a few large coorperations and the power which they possess.

  2. Yeah I just can't believe that the meat companies have so much control but they are smart about it. They build there plants in places were there are poor communities so that the people can get jobs but then they in essence have power over that community and its people. That part made me really sick. I really do think we need to get back to making a good product.

  3. I also think it is very scary to know how quickly people could get sick from the processed meat because of all the cows that go into one hamburger patty.

  4. It's sad that the big companies have so much power over the government that laws can't get passed to protect the people. The laws that get passed are ones to protect the food industry.

  5. I also think that it is really sad that the big companies have so much control over the farmers because all they care about is making the most amount of money.
